March 23, 2022Published by Suresh Kapri on March 23, 2022यूथ फ़ाउंडेशन कैम्प में आने की चयन प्रक्रियायूथ फ़ाउंडेशन कैम्प में आने की चयन प्रक्रिया अब आगे आने वाली भारतीय सेना भर्ती रैली के यूथ फाउंडेशन प्रशिक्षण की चयन प्रक्रिया इस […]
March 7, 2022Published by Suresh Kapri on March 7, 2022Balbir’s storyBalbir Bhandari of Uttarkashi district, after rigorous training, the dream of joining the army came true, but luck had something else to accept, suddenly an accidenthappened […]